2017 September Mag
2017 September Mag.
This larger than life smile displays my LOVE for living and how life is a celebration every day!
Website: www.engagingsolutions.net
This larger than life smile displays my LOVE for living and how life is a celebration every day!
My name is Debbie Wilson, 1st born and caregiver to Gloria Simmons, big sister to Harvey, Terry, Gordon, Ron, and Tim Simmons. Highlighting the importance of both family and friends, life’s many and great experiences has also lifted me as a friend for life to a host of dear sisters and brothers whom I will cherish forever.
I am an entrepreneur and one of four owners of one of the nation’s premier consultancy firms called, Engaging Solutions. Known as the consultant’s consultant, I identify the issues, solve them in a common sense way, stay on time and within budget, and all the while everyone typically enjoys working with me. As an advocate for social equity, an innovator and creative thinker, it gives me joy when I bring these talents together to create opportunities for diverse businesses on both community-based and massive municipal projects. I am intentional about giving back to my community through church, civic and community board positions and helping women and children reach their goals and most desired potential. Of the organizations I am affiliated with and love the most are my Links Chapter where I serve as President and my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.
Yes, I’m as busy as you can get, but I LOVE it all! Especially the outcomes achieved and the difference made by using my God given time, talent and treasures to make someone’s life or community better.
Introducing you to myself as that super advocate, straight shooter, poised and diplomatic professional – highlights the personality and strengths you want to have at the table when you are solving problems, thinking BIG and looking to collaborate. And yes, it all comes together in style and sophistication with a strong artful CereseD design that makes you stare – no not at me, but my CereseD jewelry design.
Loving bold colors and ensembles where everything is not required to match, animal print type describes me well. Provide me with a set of diagonals and polka-dots, and I’ll say that is a beautiful thing.
One of the matters I think about most, is what I am doing to make this world, my State of Indiana, my City of Indianapolis, my neighborhood a better place. What about you? Deliberate where community service is concerned and not just participating as a part of something for the heck of it is where I always try to be. It is more important for me to put in quality time for quality outcomes. To that end, I continue to volunteer to help many organizations fulfill their missions. From those that improve kids’ environments, sustain public television and bring dynamic development to disinvested communities in the urban core to those that create sustainable means to give voice to people who are continually marginalized. With more than 40 years of professional experience mostly in state government and as a consultant, I have utilized what I’ve learned in my life’s journeys to shape policy and programs to create positive outcomes, and tell relatable stories to people who need to know that hope is in their palm. Mine is a wonderful stylish life full of commitment to people and community, some challenges from time to time, great travels, and a zeal for a better today and tomorrow.
2021 Update:
What a difference 4 years makes! I am now semi-retired from Engaging Solutions, LLC, the consulting firm I helped found in 2005, married and living in Texas. My name is Debbie Simmons Evans, the 1st born in my family and now the matriarch of our family since our Mom passed earlier this year.
Now more than ever, given my new status, I have more time to focus on what really matters to me and get more engaged in activities that truly impact my community and projects I have adopted. Being semi-retired also means more time to dedicate to organizations I love, like Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and The Links Incorporated.
I have lots to do every day and LOVE that I am still engaged with projects that help decision-makers execute effective supplier diversity and quality of life initiatives. With more than 40 years of professional experience mostly in state government and as a consultant, I am pleased to use what I learned over my life’s journeys to shape policy and programs to create positive outcomes and tell relatable stories to people who need to know that hope is in their palm. My life today, is not exactly what I imagined it would be a decade ago or even last year. But it is a life full of opportunity, good friends and colleagues, family and loved ones. I still get to wear my outstanding CereseD jewelry, and each time I do, I feel like the queen that God intended me to be. To God be the glory for this stage in my bio.