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Tag: Inspo

2018 February Mag

2018 February Mag.

Lead-in, teaser sentence, no more than two lines, just to introduce the concept and give highlights.


Dr. Marcia Forbes is co-founder, co-owner and Executive Chairperson of Phase Three Productions Ltd. a company that is over 30 years old and stands as one of the leading multi-media television production entities in the Anglophone Caribbean. On an annual basis Phase Three produces several hundred hours of indigenous television content, with distribution throughout Jamaica via local TV/Cable stations and to the wider world by satellite and or streamed via the Internet. Dr. Forbes’s personal commitment to the creative industries of Jamaica is being achieved through her continued work in training industry practitioners and interns.

Her role as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in media management at Caribbean Institute of Media & Communication (CARIMAC), University of the West Indies (UWI), where she also sits on the Advisory Board, allows her to provide guidance to Master’s level students. Through her instrumentality, Phase Three Productions provides internship training to youth from a variety of institutions, including universities (UWI, UTech, NCU, overseas) and the National Youth Service (NYS).

Phase Three Production provides:

 • Professional, Experienced Television Crews that have worked in over 12 Caribbean Countries as well as the USA

• Specialists in Content Creation for LIVE TV – Streaming/Cable/Broadcast TV • Content display via LED & other types of Screens

• Creative Post-Production

• Leading Technologies for TV High standard of scholarship and a demonstrated commitment to professional and public service. Ph.D., CD

Marcia A. Forbes Forbes graduated from the CARIMAC with a Bachelor of Arts Degree (1st Class Honours) and later a Ph.D. in Communication Studies. She was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to Emerson College in Boston, USA, where she graduated summa cum laude with a Master’s Degree in Global Marketing, Communication and Advertising. She is author of two media-centered, research-driven books used by different departments in various universities. Her first book is also CXC-approved for CAPE Sociology. Forbes has presented at several academic and non-academic conferences in over twenty countries across several continents.

In 2017 Marcia Forbes was conferred with a national honour by her country, Jamaica – the Order of Distinction (OD), Commander class (CD). She was recognized by The De Kalb County, Atlanta, Georgia for her use of media “as a positive tool to impact both the country and the world” (2011) and by The Queen’s School in 2014 for being an outstanding alumna.. In 2012 she was publicly acknowledged by former Prime Minister Simpson-Miller for her work in support of women. 

At Emerson College Forbes was inducted into the National Communication Honor Society in light of her “high standard of scholarship and a demonstrated commitment to professional and public service.” As an undergraduate at the UWI she received the Dean’s Award for Excellence for two consecutive years. 

Marcia Forbes was the first General Manager of Television Jamaica (TVJ) and a member of its Board of Directors. She spearheaded the transition of that station from the loss-making, Government-owned JBC into a profitable, fully-owned subsidiary of the Radio Jamaica Communications Group with established market leadership in television, before demitting office to pursue a Ph.D.

Marcia Forbes is committed to giving back to Jamaica and the wider Caribbean region. She has served and continues to serve on several boards and is involved in the work of many organizations, including but not limited to the United Way of Jamaica, Chairperson Board of Governors 2017 (Dec.) – present; Spectrum Management Authority, Chairperson – Technical Operations Committee; Inter-American Development Bank,Jamaica, Member of ConSoc.

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2018 January Mag

2018 January Mag.

Cerese D Jewelry is a mother daughter jewelry design company based in Atlanta, Georgia.

Cerese D Jewelry is a mother daughter jewelry design company based in Atlanta, Georgia. The company was incorporated in 2007 and has an international customer base. Cerese was raised by her mom Deborah, a single parent and successful entrepreneur.  

From her first experience with crayons, Cerese Dolman (Cerese D) developed an interest in design. She was fascinated with vibrant colors, shapes, designs and the arts in general. She’s a visionary who captures the  essence of beauty and transforms it into exquisite works of art. 

Cerese Dolman is President/CEO and has earned two bachelor degrees, one in Interior Design and one in Business Management, a wonderful combination for a creative designer. 

Deborah Dolman, VP for Business Development, has been self employed since 1979, starting and growing various business ventures. She co-founded Cerese D, Inc. with her daughter in 2007 and brings a wealth of sales, marketing and management expertise.

Cerese moved from Lansing, Michigan to Atlanta, Geogia in 1991 to attend Clark Atlanta University and graduated with a  Bachelor degree in Business.  Then earned a second Bachelor degree in Interior Design from the Art Institute of Atlanta. 

While working for a large commercial interior design company based in Buckhead, Cerese began making jewelry as a hobby in her guest bedroom. As the jewelry-making supplies consumed her entire condo,  it was at that time she began to realize that jewelry design was her passion.    

After a 9-year successful career designing fabulous corporate boardrooms and executive offices for major clients such as Auto Trader, Cox Communications, Arbys, to name a few, Cerese resigned to concentrate on her first entrepreneurial venture, with her mom by her side. 

The company leased a 1200 square foot studio in Marietta, Georgia and hired a part time assistant.  Deborah flew back and forth from Michigan to Atlanta monthly.

After selling her technology company in Michigan, Deborah could see the extraordinary creativity in Cerese’s designs and began selling and marketing to her vast base of contacts in Michigan.  Deborah would soon move to Atlanta to work closer with her daughter.  

After four years, the company had outgrown the initial 1200 square foot  space.   They needed something larger, closer to downtown, industrial, with great parking. They moved to a 4500 square foot space in West Midtown Atlanta where they currently have design and production capacity for their huge customer base and staff. The current space is by appointment only, offering a very personal customer shopping experience.

The company invests heavily in social media and has thousands of followers. Along with creating new jewelry designs, Cerese and her assistants are always incorporating new, unique content for all their social media platforms. Increasing followers and engaging with them is an important part of this successful business. Shop 24/7 WWW.CERESED.COM

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2017 December Mag

2017 December Mag.

Louise Perrin on creating high performance teams!

An inspirational and motivational leader with a record of delivering and executing best-in-class strategies for large-scale, enterprise change, Louise Perrin is known for driving increased sales and profitability in challenging markets by consistently creating and sustaining high performing teams. She leverages her extensive background in leadership, change management and strategic planning to turnaround underperforming markets, develop individuals, and champion change through teamwork.

She credits the books The Leader’s Compass: A Personal Leadership Philosophy Is Your Key to Success and The One Thing with helping her solidify her leadership philosophy (add link) and finding the one thing that would make everything else simpler or unnecessary. Ultimately, that one thing became her purpose and her passion as a leader:  To create an environment where everyone feels valued, understands how they add value, and where each of us becomes mutually invested in one another’s success and we individually and collectively achieve beyond what we thought possible. 

By providing a clear vision, effectively communicating her strategic intent, aligning people and resources, and creating an environment of collaboration and shared learning that inspires and values individuals, Louise has enabled every member of her teams to achieve their personal and professional visions of success. She is a change agent who consistently entertains risk while embracing new challenges and opportunities, and cut her leadership teeth by leading in ambiguous environments.

Currently a Senior Vice President with State Farm Insurance Companies, Louise began her career as an agent in 1985 and in a few short years, began advancing through multiple levels of leadership.  Always looking for ways to add value, she developed strategies and tools that enabled State Farm Insurance Companies to profitably grow its market share in a variety of markets. Her accomplishments include turning around performance and delivering sustainable growth and profits in difficult markets by development of positive emotional cultures driven through conversational leadership, clarity on the vision and expectations, and creating an environment of collaboration, accountability and trust.

In addition to developing others, Louise is a continual learner. She received a BA in Business Administration from Rutgers University and her MBA from Cornell University’s Johnson School of Business. She says the executive MBA program was a “powerful experience” that “changed the way I fundamentally think and make decisions, especially how I help people manage and thrive through ambiguity.”

Louise embraces the importance of giving back and continues to volunteer and serve local and national organizations including: Board of Trustees, National Louis University; Board of Directors, National Black MBA Association; Board of Overseers, Rutgers University Foundation, and Board of Advisors, LISC, Chicago. She previously sat on the following boards: Board of Directors, State Farm Indemnity Company; Vice Chair Board of Directors, American Red Cross of Southeast Wisconsin; Board of Directors, Wisconsin Conservatory of Music; Board of Directors, Milwaukee Ballet, and Board of Directors, Friends of the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Capturing her significant learnings in journals has been a hallmark of Louise’s leadership journey and she plans to publish a series of three books on leadership to “pay forward what I’ve had the privilege to learn.” And one of those significant learnings is “if you have the right people beside you, you can do anything.”

Personal Leadership Philosophy Louise Perrin, MBA, LUTCF Senior Vice President, State Farm Insurance Companies

What Leadership Means to Me:  I believe…

• Leaders serve others and not themselves. They have a fundamental respect for and value the talents and welfare of each individual.

• Leadership is about seeking and accepting responsibility, assuming personal accountability for actions and results without excuses.

• Leaders provide a clear vision, strategic intent and purpose, and create an environment that inspires individuals and teams to achieve beyond what they thought possible.

Personal Values:  I value…

• People above all else. I am committed to helping people achieve their personal and professional visions of success. I work to identify what people need and broker the resources to get it to them.

• Continuous learning. Risk taking is part of learning. Learning can be accelerated through failure and can only occur when there is a willingness to be vulnerable.

• Integrity. I keep my promises.

• Intellectual curiosity and a growth mindset. Curiosity sets the stage for learning. A growth mindset stretches you to learn something new.

• Resiliency. We operate in fluid environments and must be adaptable and resilient through challenge and change.

Guiding Principles:  I recognize…

• Our greatest resource is our people and must always work in the best interests of our customers, organization and associates. Every individual must understand the expectations of the customer, the vision and strategic intent of the market area, how they add value, what is expected of them, how they are performing, and how their performance impacts the team.

• Our success is dependent on trusting one another. If we are mutually invested in one another’s success and help each other accomplish their personal and professional visions of success, then we develop trust in one another.

• Learning is the most effective response to any challenge and change. Shared learning and collaboration uses the wisdom in the room to accelerate individual and team capability and capacity to respond to challenges and change. A player that makes a team great is far more valuable than a great player.

• Healthy dialogue and early dissent ensures quality decision making. Having a different perspective and not offering it up for discussion impedes team progress, minimizes the quality of the outcome, and diminishes the effectiveness of execution.

• We speak with one voice. Once a decision is agreed upon, each of us is responsible to explain the thinking that led to the decision.

• The quality of the professional relationship produces the desired results. Conversational Leadership should be used in all interactions. EOM, Key Leadership Behaviors, Remarkable and MACL-T (mission, assets, challenges, landscape and time) drive execution and accountability.

• Standing still is falling back. Consistent progress must be made toward achieving objectives, and moving the enterprise and market area towards their desired future state.

What You Can Expect of Me:  I will…

• Respect and work in the best interest of the customer, the organization, and those with whom I work. Know and care for all team members; and provide consistent development, results and performance feedback.

• Provide clear, candid, honest and compassionate conversations; keep the main thing the main thing; and initiate and sustain the creative tension needed to produce change in myself and others. • Honor my commitments and obligations to design, teach and steward and be transparent in my actions.

• Eliminate barriers; provide resources; and inspect/assess, re-inspect/reassess and re-design operational work practices as needed. 2

• Have a bias toward action and results. Hold high expectations of myself; roll up my sleeves and do what it takes (DWITs – grit: perseverance, passion for a goal, set aside immediate gain for a long term goal) to win and achieve results; never ask anyone to do what I am not willing to do myself; and never make excuses.

• Provide safe space; listen when asked or needed with compassion, and without judgment; be a thinking partner without reservation; provide consistent coaching and development; and consistently increase my personal practical knowledge (PPK).

• Collaborate through team learning environments, avoid defensive responses, and be vulnerable and authentic

What I Expect of Others:  I expect you to…

• Work in the best interest of the customer and organization. Respect and honor the people you lead. Know them and care for them; and provide consistent development, results and performance feedback.

• Have a bias toward action and results. DWITs (grit) to win and achieve results; take calculated risks as needed to achieve results; reveal failures as they occur so everyone can learn; and provide your best understanding of the truth at all times.

• Produce change in yourself and others through creative tension; and constant improvement in your individual and team’s PPK.

• Manage your calendars and actions to reflect a focus on the main things.

• Collaborate through team learning environments; create safe space; avoid defensive responses; be vulnerable and authentic; hold yourself accountable; and drive accountability down to the people you lead.

Non-Negotiables: Must always….

• Honor, respect and demonstrate loyalty to the organization, individuals and the team. Trust is the glue that holds a team together.

• Be mutually invested in one another’s success, and celebrate the success of others as it provides shared learning for the team. Everyone’s success is measured by the team’s success and should be the highest purpose for which we all strive.

• Accept responsibility. Judgment and blame is unacceptable and cannot be a part of leadership.

• Provide consistent and honest feedback on direct reports’ performance (Key Leadership Behaviors and Leadership Performance Results). Every team member has the right to know if they are meeting expectations and how to improve their performance.

• Design meetings as opportunities for learning. Conversational Leadership, EOM, Remarkable, Key Leadership Behaviors and the MACL-T (mission, assets, challenges, landscape and time) process must be practiced by all members.

• Ask for help when needed and come ready with viable solutions and recommendations. Take action as needed, without being asked. Recognizing and acting quickly is what is needed and expected.

• Be prepared, seek, and provide quality feedback. Lacking the context or understanding of a situation, the facts, or alternatives diminishes the quality of the outcome, slows the pace of the team and prevents you from actively contributing to the team’s success.

Personal Idiosyncrasies:  I love….

• The pursuit of excellence. Becoming is better than being. Improvement is a constant state of mind and I expect others to put forth the optimal effort to get the job done, maximize the opportunity and their potential.

• Challenges and “playing above the bar”. I view challenges as opportunities for learning. Therefore, I tend to have low tolerance for those who are afraid to challenge their mental models, take risks, and try new and different ideas.

My Commitment: I believe and am committed to personal excellence in all things. I am committed to helping everyone I lead, including myself, accomplish their personal and professional visions of success.

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2017 November Mag

2017 November Mag.

Tony Waller is Senior Director, Constituent Relations for Walmart in Bentonville, AR where he actively works in helping to set strategy for the company’s outreach opportunities and social investments in diverse and multicultural communities. 

Tony Waller is Senior Director, Constituent Relations for Walmart in Bentonville, AR.  In his position he actively works in helping to set strategy for the company’s outreach opportunities and social investments in diverse and multicultural communities.  His portfolio includes the African American, Hispanic, Asian American & Pacific Islander and Native American communities as well as Women, People with Disabilities and Millennials. Tony joined Walmart December 2006.

Prior to joining Walmart, Tony worked for State Farm Insurance Companies in Bloomington, IL. In his last position with State Farm® Tony served as Assistant Director of Community Alliances in Corporate Communications and External Relations.  He was responsible for all external efforts in multicultural communities as well as all efforts in Auto Safety, Disaster Preparedness, Community and Economic Development, and Financial Education. 

He serves as Chair of the NAACP ACT-SO Advisory Council.  Because of his passion for the empowerment and advancement of women, he serves on the Board of Trustees of Center for Asian Pacific American Women and has served on the Board of Directors of the National African-American Women’s Leadership Institute.  With both of these organizations he was the first male ever selected to serve. In addition, Tony sits on the board of trustees of the Ron Brown Scholars Program, the board of the National Black Child Development Institute and the advisory council for Northcentral University.  

In 2000 Tony became the first recipient of the Spirit of Democracy Emerging Leaders Award, presented by the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.  The award is given to individuals for their work in the promoting of civic participation.  Also in that year, he was the recipient of the Leadership Award of the National Association of Black County Officials for his contributions to the community.  In July 2002 and 2010 Tony was the recipient of the Donald H. McGannon Award, the highest distinction given by the National Urban League to a corporate individual in recognition of one’s efforts in the community.  Tony is the only individual who has been given this honor twice.  In 2011 Tony was the recipient of the Humanitarian Award from the Jessie Banks Foundation for his work in disadvantaged communities.  In 2012 Tony received the MLK Day Special Merit Award from the National Action Network as well as the Merge Award from The Merge Organization for being an example of integrating his faith with all of his endeavors and for his commitment to uplifting, inspiring and empowering others.  In 2017 the American Indian College Fund honored Tony by ceremonially draping him with a blanket, a symbol of respect and admiration of the Native American community.

Tony is a strong supporter of the arts and serves on the Corporate Advisory Council of the Walton Arts Center in Fayetteville, AR.  A graduate of the University of Virginia, he is a diehard WAHOO. He remains very active with The University and served on the board of the Walter N. Ridley Scholarship Fund, named after its first African-American graduate.  In addition, he is a passionate collector of African-American art & sculpture, antique watches, vintage cuff links, eyewear, children’s story books and quotes.  Shoes however are his kryptonite.

Tony strives to live each and every day by the words of his mother, Barbara Jean Motley Waller, “Keep flowing with The River for The River knows exactly where It is going.”

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2017 October Mag

2017 October Mag.

Dr. Kay Taylor Oliver writes a true love story.


Dr. Kay Taylor Oliver is the author of Winter’s Love a real life story about how two people found love after each experienced a devastating loss. In the prologue of the book she stated, “People say that when you want to write about something that has great meaning for you that you should write from the heart. That is, just start writing and let your thoughts flow through your fingers.” Well, that is what I attempted to do. I wrote from my heart about the most significant thing that happened to me in the winter of my life.

I won’t set a stage for you by giving the time or place, simply an accounting of what now seems to be the hand of God on the lives of two people who accepted their fate to live the rest of their lives alone although content and busy with their families, friends and social organizations.

I felt that I was destined to write this book, and I did for a number of reasons. I wrote it for those who doubt that “it” can happen for them, and who continually fall prey to the negative chorus: It’s too late for me; I will never find someone to love me; Why am I looking for the perfect person who does not exist? I will settle for what is in my life now…in other words, as Luther Vandross sang, “Love the one you’re with.” I believe that we just need to open our eyes and look around. Better yet, we should look at ourselves and see the beauty that God created; a unique gift that some wonderful person is waiting for. 

I wanted women to know that love, real love, is possible at any age. It’s never too late for love. If you put away your pretentious list of qualities he must have and focus on the qualities you have, then you will attract the man who will love you unconditionally. 

I wrote the book in humorous vignettes to demonstrate how hilarious the dating scene is when you settle. I believe that we must never settle. Instead, I encourage women to discover who they are and move forward with their lives, unapologetically. 

I wrote the book to identify serious issues in relationships like, children, sex, finances and property that require time and lots of conversation to clarify what is important to each person. And finally, something I have not shared often, I wrote Winter’s Love to debunk the stereotypes often communicated by the media and showcase the love that African Americans have for each other.

About Dr. Kay Taylor Oliver 

Dr. Kay Taylor Oliver is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She is married to Walter Oliver and resides in Phoenix, Arizona. She has served as Executive Director for Professional Development for Detroit Public Schools; Associate Superintendent for Philadelphia Public Schools; and Associate Professor in the College of Education at Temple University in Philadelphia. She has served as president of The Phoenix Chapter of The Links, Incorporated and The George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center Board of Directors in Phoenix. She was honored to serve as Vice President of the Board for Research for Better Schools. Kay has also been an advisory member for “The Learning Classroom: Theory into Practice” presented by Mort Crim Communications and Stanford University, an advisory member of the external Coordinating Council for Michigan State University’s Teachers for a New Era Program and the National Advisory Board for the College of Education. She is a founding member of Coaching for Results affiliated with Learning Forward, formerly the National Staff Development Council. She is a Golden Life member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated; a Lifetime Member of the NAACP and Chairperson of the H. LeBaron Taylor Scholarship allocated through the Boule Foundation of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity.  Kay and her husband are philanthropists and give generously to public and private initiatives. To learn more about Kay visit 

Winter’s Love is a best seller on Amazon with a five out of five star rating. Kay is busy attending Salons (her term for book signings) around the country and is thrilled that her book intended to appeal to women over the age of 50, is now attracting women under 40.


Winter's Love

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2017 September Mag

2017 September Mag.

This larger than life smile displays my LOVE for living and how life is a celebration every day!  


This larger than life smile displays my LOVE for living and how life is a celebration every day!  

My name is Debbie Wilson, 1st born and caregiver to Gloria Simmons, big sister to Harvey, Terry, Gordon, Ron, and Tim Simmons.  Highlighting the importance of both family and friends, life’s many and great experiences has also lifted me as a friend for life to a host of dear sisters and brothers whom I will cherish forever.  

I am an entrepreneur and one of four owners of one of the nation’s premier consultancy firms called, Engaging Solutions.  Known as the consultant’s consultant, I identify the issues, solve them in a common sense way, stay on time and within budget, and all the while everyone typically enjoys working with me.  As an advocate for social equity, an innovator and creative thinker, it gives me joy when I bring these talents together to create opportunities for diverse businesses on both community-based and massive municipal projects.  I am intentional about giving back to my community through church, civic and community board positions and helping women and children reach their goals and most desired potential.  Of the organizations I am affiliated with and love the most are my Links Chapter where I serve as President and my sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.  

Yes, I’m as busy as you can get, but I LOVE it all!  Especially the outcomes achieved and the difference made by using my God given time, talent and treasures to make someone’s life or community better.

Introducing you to myself as that super advocate, straight shooter, poised and diplomatic professional – highlights the personality and strengths you want to have at the table when you are solving problems, thinking BIG and looking to collaborate.  And yes, it all comes together in style and sophistication with  a strong artful CereseD design that makes you stare – no not at me, but my CereseD jewelry design.  

Loving bold colors and ensembles where everything is not required to match, animal print type describes me well.  Provide me with a set of diagonals and polka-dots, and I’ll say that is a beautiful thing.  

One of the matters I think about most, is what I am doing to make this world, my State of Indiana, my City of Indianapolis, my neighborhood a better place. What about you?  Deliberate where community service is concerned and not just participating as a part of something for the heck of it is where I always try to be.  It is more important for me to put in quality time for quality outcomes.  To that end, I continue to volunteer to help many organizations fulfill their missions. From those that improve kids’ environments, sustain public television and bring dynamic development to disinvested communities in the urban core to those that create sustainable means to give voice to people who are continually marginalized.   With more than 40 years of professional experience mostly in state government and as a consultant, I have utilized what I’ve learned in my life’s journeys to shape policy and programs to create positive outcomes, and tell relatable stories to people who need to know that hope is in their palm.  Mine is a wonderful stylish life full of commitment to people and community, some challenges from time to time, great travels, and a zeal for a better today and tomorrow.  

2021 Update:

What a difference 4 years makes!  I am now semi-retired from Engaging Solutions, LLC, the consulting firm I helped found in 2005, married and living in Texas. My name is Debbie Simmons Evans, the 1st born in my family and now the matriarch of our family since our Mom passed earlier this year. 

Now more than ever, given my new status, I have more time to focus on what really matters to me and get more engaged in activities that truly impact my community and projects I have adopted. Being semi-retired also means more time to dedicate to organizations I love, like Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and The Links Incorporated.

I have lots to do every day and LOVE that I am still engaged with projects that help decision-makers execute effective supplier diversity and quality of life initiatives.  With more than 40 years of professional experience mostly in state government and as a consultant, I am pleased to use what I learned over my life’s journeys to shape policy and programs to create positive outcomes and tell relatable stories to people who need to know that hope is in their palm. My life today, is not exactly what I imagined it would be a decade ago or even last year. But it is a life full of opportunity, good friends and colleagues, family and loved ones. I still get to wear my outstanding CereseD jewelry, and each time I do, I feel like the queen that God intended me to be. To God be the glory for this stage in my bio.  

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2017 August Mag

2017 August Mag.

Meet multifaceted recording artist and writer Kathleen Bertrand.

Multifaceted recording artist and writer Kathleen Bertrand is a native Atlantan and Spelman College graduate, whose performances have ranged from two Olympic Games to performances before two presidents, and appearances at jazz festivals world-wide. Bertrand toured and recorded as vocalist with jazz vibraphonist Roy Ayers.

This three-octave vocal artist has received numerous honors including the Kuumba Award given by East Point/College Park Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, the inaugural Impact Award from Black Women In Jazz, as well as recognition by the United Negro College Fund as one of “Atlanta’s Legends” and by Spelman College with its distinguished “Alumnae Achievement Award for the Arts & Entertainment.” Most recently, she was named the 2015 “Jazz Vocalist of the Year” by the Black Women in Jazz organization. She has been an invited performer at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on three occasions and has made multiple appearances at the Atlanta Jazz Festival (AJF), including as a 2012 headliner and this year as part of the AJF’s Main Stage tribute to Nina Simone. In September of 2015, she performed to a sell out crowd at the historic Blues Alley in Washington, DC.

As a songwriter, she penned the national theme song for the 100 Black Men of America – What They See is What They’ll Be – as well as several songs on her CDs All of Me, No Regrets, Reasons for the Season, New Standards, and Kathleen’s most recent CD Katharsis, which was released in June 2011 and is still receiving nationwide and world-wide airplay, including 14 weeks on the UK Soul Chart top 30, 6 weeks in the UK Soul Charts Top 10, and 2 weeks at #1.

She has recently returned to the studio in preparation for her next CD release. Bertrand has opened for many of America’s finest jazz artists, including Ray Charles, Will Downing, Rachelle Ferrell, Najee, Roy Ayers, and Kenny G. Her fan base includes radio and internet listeners across the USA as well as in England, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, France, the Netherlands, and Brazil among others.

She is the Founder and Executive Producer of the BronzeLens Film Festival. The BronzeLens Film Festival of Atlanta, Georgia is a non-profit organization, founded in 2009, that is dedicated to bringing national and worldwide attention to Atlanta as a center for film and film production for people of color. In fact, the mission of the BronzeLens Film Festival of Atlanta, Georgia is two fold: to promote Atlanta as the new film mecca for people of color; and to showcase films and provide networking opportunities that will develop the next generation of filmmakers.

Multifaceted recording artist and writer Kathleen Bertrand is a native Atlantan and Spelman College graduate, whose performances have ranged from two Olympic Games to performances before two presidents, and appearances at jazz festivals world-wide. Bertrand toured and recorded as vocalist with jazz vibraphonist Roy Ayers.

This three-octave vocal artist has received numerous honors including the Kuumba Award given by East Point/College Park Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, the inaugural Impact Award from Black Women In Jazz, as well as recognition by the United Negro College Fund as one of “Atlanta’s Legends” and by Spelman College with its distinguished “Alumnae Achievement Award for the Arts & Entertainment.” Most recently, she was named the 2015 “Jazz Vocalist of the Year” by the Black Women in Jazz organization. She has been an invited performer at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland on three occasions and has made multiple appearances at the Atlanta Jazz Festival (AJF), including as a 2012 headliner and this year as part of the AJF’s Main Stage tribute to Nina Simone. In September of 2015, she performed to a sell out crowd at the historic Blues Alley in Washington, DC.

As a songwriter, she penned the national theme song for the 100 Black Men of America – What They See is What They’ll Be – as well as several songs on her CDs All of Me, No Regrets, Reasons for the Season, New Standards, and Kathleen’s most recent CD Katharsis, which was released in June 2011 and is still receiving nationwide and world-wide airplay, including 14 weeks on the UK Soul Chart top 30, 6 weeks in the UK Soul Charts Top 10, and 2 weeks at #1.

She has recently returned to the studio in preparation for her next CD release. Bertrand has opened for many of America’s finest jazz artists, including Ray Charles, Will Downing, Rachelle Ferrell, Najee, Roy Ayers, and Kenny G. Her fan base includes radio and internet listeners across the USA as well as in England, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, New Zealand, France, the Netherlands, and Brazil among others.

She is the Founder and Executive Producer of the BronzeLens Film Festival. The BronzeLens Film Festival of Atlanta, Georgia is a non-profit organization, founded in 2009, that is dedicated to bringing national and worldwide attention to Atlanta as a center for film and film production for people of color. In fact, the mission of the BronzeLens Film Festival of Atlanta, Georgia is two fold: to promote Atlanta as the new film mecca for people of color; and to showcase films and provide networking opportunities that will develop the next generation of filmmakers.


Photo Credit: Cat Max Photography

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2017 July Mag

2017 July Mag.

Katrina’s style has been described as eclectic and is often called upon to offer style advice, source products, and create fun looks for themed events.  

Katrina L. Slaughter is known to many as “KLSSTYLE” for her love of fun fashion in particular statement accessories that will entice even the most conservative dresser to compliment her liberal fashion sense!  As an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Katrina is often called upon by her sorority sisters and other sisters in Greekdom to offer style advice, source products, and create fun looks for themed events.  Katrina’s style has been described as eclectic!

How does Katrina finance “KLSSTYLE”?  Katrina holds two degrees – a Bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership and a Master’s in Business Administration and has nearly 25 years of work experience within the Professional Services Firm industry.  She has managed, directed and provided consulting services in key firm areas such as Corporate Finance and Human Resources Management. While the culture of some firms only allow for professional dress codes, Katrina’s style is embraced within the Architecture and Interior Design firm where she is currently employed as a Controller/Human Resources Director.  Several partners within the firm have commented on Katrina’s style…. “I love your style”, “Can I wear your cool shades? My wife would love your shoes”, “Your necklace makes me happy”, just to cite a few.  Katrina’s fun “Outfit of the Day” (OOTD) makes juggling the demands of her role less stressful and more enjoyable!  You’ll often hear Katrina say “wearing a pretty necklace makes me smile”.  Katrina feels blessed to have a career that allows her to express her individuality through fun fashion!

Katrina’s sense of style dates back to her childhood as early as age 4.  She would miss the school bus because she would re-do her ponytails if she didn’t like how her hair was styled.  According to Katrina’s mom, she’d get dressed and go outside to play but would be found sitting on the doorsteps because she didn’t want to get dirty.  Katrina was born to be prissy. Her friends and colleagues will tell you that Katrina’s love of fashion has always brought and continues to bring people together for social and civic causes. 

Katrina often purges her closets and donates these items to local women’s shelters and high school students during Prom season.  In April 2017, she launched “KLSSTYLE Accessories Pop-Up Shop” and SOLD OUT of over 400 accessories and 50 pairs of shoes! Katrina is not just fashion conscious during the workday, you’ll also see her “sweating pretty” while climbing Stone Mountain or at local run/walk races.  Katrina wanted to share her love of fun accessories and designed a headband for her sorority’s chapter with the tagline “Chi Tau Omega Sweats Pretty”.

Katrina resides within the metro Atlanta area and is a family woman married 25 years to Randall who allows her to be the Fire buff SHE is through HIS career as a Fire Chief.  She’s the mother of two sons – Omari who is a Staff Sergeant currently serving in the United States Air Force and Corey a recent college graduate of Kentucky State University.  She is also the proud grandmother of 2 year old, Madison. 

As Katrina approaches her 50th birthday in 2018, she plans to continue to live her life unconventionally through fashion while inspiring others to do the same. #KLSSTYLE is FOREVER!

Katrina’s fun facts: favorite color is pink, collector of fire department/station patches, collector of hearts, loves frogs, favorite candy is gummy bears.

Katrina’s favorite hashtags: #KLSSTYLE #funaccessories #jewelryaddict #prettynecklaces #fashionfun #shoesrfun #sweatpretty #luvpink

Social media:  @shoesrfun (Instagram)

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2017 June Mag

2017 June Mag.

“Chief BOSSpreneur Becky A. Davis is known as the “Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon”


Social media:  @Bosspreneur (FB, Twitter, Youtube)

“Chief BOSSpreneur Becky A. Davis is known as the “Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon” for her straight-forward coaching skills that develop individuals into well-rounded business owners.  As a member of the prestigious Forbes Magazine Coaches Council, official private coach for the ultra-exclusive Odyssey Media Company, and national entrepreneur spokesperson for The Coca-Cola Company. Becky is one of the most in-demand experts for small businesses.

It isn’t her education or impressive resume that makes Becky stand out.  It’s that in Becky’s 20+ years of coaching and speaking, her real-life, in-the-trenches experience gives her a radically different view on nearly everything.  Becky realizes that every business has a unique code that unlocks a flow of clients and cash. Mentally, Becky never removes herself too far from remembering the days when she experienced the trials and tribulations of fighting to get clients and make profits to stay in business. As a speaker, Becky is known for her practical, street-savvy style; Becky’s fusion of real-life stories and her conversational techniques connect with her audience at an intimate, intense and individual level.

Becky is a Certified Executive Coach of The Leadership Circle and provides a 360 Leadership Profile Assessment.  She is also certified by Gallup for the Entrepreneur Talent Profile Assessment and a Facilitator of the Discover Your Entrepreneur Talent Workshop and continues to work with the best and brightest aspiring and veteran entrepreneurs around the world.  She hosts, workshops, teleseminars, webinars, masterminds, and private coaching to women entrepreneurs all over the world.  Becky was selected to be a member of the Forbes Coaches Council.  She was the featured entrepreneur speaker on 15-city National Tour for Odyssey Media, a marketing & communications company, focused on connecting and empowering influential and affluent multicultural women around the world.  Her national partnership with The Coca-Cola Company’s initiative to help serve five million women entrepreneurs by 2020 aligns with her heart’s purpose and mission to empower entrepreneurs. 

Before her success as an entrepreneur, in her last corporate position, Becky was Regional Vice President, responsible for Operations and Sales at Sears Optical, a division of Luxottica Retail the largest optical company in the world. She has 20+ years in retail management where she advised Regional Vice Presidents, Training & Development, Human Resources and coached employees at all levels.  MVPwork LLC is a certified woman and minority owned business with Women Business Enterprise National Council and National Minority Supply Diversity Council.

Becky has been featured in media for her contributions to entrepreneurs including ABC, FOX, Forbes, Essence, Black Enterprise, and   Huffington Post.  She has been recognized as one of 25 Women Who Inspire by Hope for Women Magazine, Woman of Excellence by Atlanta Gospel Fest and recognized as a Woman of Influence by Radio Love 860 am and Best Motivational Speaker for 2015 by  She is also the author of 5 books.

Becky is an advocate for domestic violence.  She is the founder of Leading In High H.E.E.L.S., a non-profit organization that focus on provides shoes and resources to women of domestic violence and abuse.

Becky is married and lives in the metro Atlanta area.


Social media:  @Bosspreneur (FB, Twitter, Youtube)

“Chief BOSSpreneur Becky A. Davis is known as the “Entrepreneur’s Secret Weapon” for her straight-forward coaching skills that develop individuals into well-rounded business owners.  As a member of the prestigious Forbes Magazine Coaches Council, official private coach for the ultra-exclusive Odyssey Media Company, and national entrepreneur spokesperson for The Coca-Cola Company. Becky is one of the most in-demand experts for small businesses.

It isn’t her education or impressive resume that makes Becky stand out.  It’s that in Becky’s 20+ years of coaching and speaking, her real-life, in-the-trenches experience gives her a radically different view on nearly everything.  Becky realizes that every business has a unique code that unlocks a flow of clients and cash. Mentally, Becky never removes herself too far from remembering the days when she experienced the trials and tribulations of fighting to get clients and make profits to stay in business. As a speaker, Becky is known for her practical, street-savvy style; Becky’s fusion of real-life stories and her conversational techniques connect with her audience at an intimate, intense and individual level.

Becky is a Certified Executive Coach of The Leadership Circle and provides a 360 Leadership Profile Assessment.  She is also certified by Gallup for the Entrepreneur Talent Profile Assessment and a Facilitator of the Discover Your Entrepreneur Talent Workshop and continues to work with the best and brightest aspiring and veteran entrepreneurs around the world.  She hosts, workshops, teleseminars, webinars, masterminds, and private coaching to women entrepreneurs all over the world.  Becky was selected to be a member of the Forbes Coaches Council.  She was the featured entrepreneur speaker on 15-city National Tour for Odyssey Media, a marketing & communications company, focused on connecting and empowering influential and affluent multicultural women around the world.  Her national partnership with The Coca-Cola Company’s initiative to help serve five million women entrepreneurs by 2020 aligns with her heart’s purpose and mission to empower entrepreneurs. 

Before her success as an entrepreneur, in her last corporate position, Becky was Regional Vice President, responsible for Operations and Sales at Sears Optical, a division of Luxottica Retail the largest optical company in the world. She has 20+ years in retail management where she advised Regional Vice Presidents, Training & Development, Human Resources and coached employees at all levels.  MVPwork LLC is a certified woman and minority owned business with Women Business Enterprise National Council and National Minority Supply Diversity Council.

Becky has been featured in media for her contributions to entrepreneurs including ABC, FOX, Forbes, Essence, Black Enterprise, and   Huffington Post.  She has been recognized as one of 25 Women Who Inspire by Hope for Women Magazine, Woman of Excellence by Atlanta Gospel Fest and recognized as a Woman of Influence by Radio Love 860 am and Best Motivational Speaker for 2015 by  She is also the author of 5 books.

Becky is an advocate for domestic violence.  She is the founder of Leading In High H.E.E.L.S., a non-profit organization that focus on provides shoes and resources to women of domestic violence and abuse.

Becky is married and lives in the metro Atlanta area.


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